Lifting the Fog: The High Potential of Cloud Computing ∞ February 19, 2010

February 19, 2010

Cloud computing has arrived. More and more organizations are turning to cloud computing to reduce costs and shorten the time to market. Although traditional corporate data centers and on-premise software are not going away, cloud computing will have a far-reaching impact on enterprise IT and business in large organizations. The objective of this CMIT program was to help CIOs and other business leaders “lift the fog” and look beyond the hype to see what opportunities and challenges lie in the cloud.   To this end, a panel of experts addressed important questions such as:
  • How did cloud computing evolve?
  • What is new and different about cloud computing?
  • What are the different forms of cloud computing?
  • Why is cloud computing inevitable?
  • What are the technological and business benefits?
  • How do you decide when the time is right to migrate data/applications/platforms?
  • What are the barriers and challenges


Dan Burton, Senior Vice President, Global Public Policy,

Paul Daugherty, Chief Technology Architect, Accenture

Jill Singer, CIO, National Reconnaissance Office

Angie Winn, Director of Global OnDemand Strategy, Pitney Bowes Business Insight

Available Presentations

Burton slides

Daugherty slides