Faculty and students moved to trailers; AACSB cites need for new facility

In 1980, some faculty offices and student study rooms were moved to two large trailers outside of Monroe Hall in order to accommodate for the lack of space inside the building. In 1981, the AACSB conducted a report as part of a regular 10-year self-study and visitation, stating that McIntire's physical facilities "do not fully support the elevated standards of excellence that characterize other aspects of the school." Dean Shenkir then requested an External Evaluation Committee review the School through the University's Center for Advanced Studies. The School had never undergone such a review, which was funded by the center. In their report, the committee stated, "The loyalty of the student body has been put to trial by the outdated physical facilities...Proper physical plant and facilities should be a top priority item for the University and relief should be immediate."

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