
Why MBI with Melanie Murphy (A&S ’22)

Hear from Melanie Murphy, a third-year American Studies major and current MBI: Business Fundamentals student. We talked all things career, curriculum, and COVID-19 precautions.

Melanie MurphyWhy MBI: Business Fundamentals?
I decided to participate in MBI because I wanted to learn practical business skills to support my career goals. In only a few short weeks, I have developed a newfound understanding of business processes and learned crucial business terminology. Because of this, I am more confident in my ability to have professional business conversations that will inevitably occur in any workplace.

How has the hybrid class format worked for you?
I think it has been run really well. I am so glad that we have the option to either participate in person or through Zoom. This hybrid model has given me the flexibility to attend every class regardless of my circumstances. For the in-person option, I feel very safe because of the precautions that have been taken by the McIntire School. The professor lectures behind plexiglass, and my peers and I sit six feet apart, all in face masks. I am very appreciative that MBI has created a safe in-person option because I prefer to be in a physical classroom setting.

What has been the most challenging part of the curriculum, and what has helped you feel more confident about it now?
I was definitely surprised by how much I liked accounting. I began the accounting unit with no experience and ended the unit with an advanced understanding of key concepts. Professor Adam Koch played a huge role in my accounting success. He started at step one and explained every concept, knowing that the majority of our class had limited business experience. His thorough teaching enabled me to understand and follow along as we dealt with more complex lessons. Along the way, I was introduced and immersed in business vocabulary that has also helped me better understand the finance unit. Understanding accounting has been a complete confident booster. For me, it’s no longer intimidating—it’s actually kind of fun!

What are your career interests? Has MBI prepared you for your post-graduate career goals?
I am interested in working in the entertainment industry as a development producer for a production company. As a development producer, I would be assessing which shows or films would be the most advantageous for a production company to finance. While MBI hasn’t changed my career path, it has definitely made me a more confident and competitive applicant for future roles.

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