Undergraduate Blog

Undergraduate Admissions & COVID-19 FAQs

The McIntire admissions team answers questions that have come up as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The McIntire Undergraduate Admission team is here to encourage and empower you on your path to McIntire, and we know that the coronavirus pandemic may have made that path a bit rocky. Remember, we’re all in this together–your peers are trying to navigate a new reality, as are our faculty who are on the Admission Committee. Below are the answers to many of the frequently asked questions as a result of the pandemic. As we get more, we’ll add them to this post. As always, we encourage you to engage with us to learn more about Commerce!

My summer plans were canceled, so I’m thinking about taking classes instead. Which should I take?
While you may have time to take an extra class or two, and it is tempting to “get ahead” in the prerequisites, it will by no means add to the competitiveness of your application. First, taking classes in the summer doesn’t necessarily mean you should reduce the number of classes you take during the semester. We encourage you to take full course loads (14-16 credits) during the academic year in order to prepare for the academic demands of the McIntire curriculum. Choose any summer courses thoughtfully, and keep in mind that the Admission Committee likes to see how students perform in the prerequisites while balancing a full course load and engagements outside the classroom. That said, the Admission Committee understands that the pandemic has brought on much uncertainty, and you should do what is best for you in this situation.

How will the Admission Committee view spring 2020 grades on the application?
The University changed the grading of all courses from a letter grade to Credit, General Credit, and No Credit (CR/GC/NC) as a default, and students then had the option to receive grades for their classes. We provided guidance in a spring 2020 blog post about your considerations when choosing grading. At this point, don’t worry about the choice you made–you can’t change it–and instead focus on staying healthy and doing your best in your fall 2020 courses. You will have the opportunity to share insights on your choice of grading for spring 2020 on your application.

Are there any changes to the application due to COVID-19?
We’ve made the process to apply to the B.S. in Commerce Program simpler by eliminating the need to register in order to apply. You can start working on your application on Oct. 1, and you can submit it any time before Jan. 26, 2021, before noon. We’ve added a required essay question about your spring 2020 academics, given the change in grading for that semester, and there is an optional prompt where you can detail any extenuating circumstances as a result of the coronavirus pandemic or other issues that may be helpful to the Admission Committee in reviewing your application.

I’m an incoming first-year student, and I’ve decided to defer my admission until spring 2021. Will I be able to apply in my second year? What impact might this have on my admission?
First-years who defer their admission for one semester will be able to apply in their second year for admission to McIntire. While this will provide one semester less of academic data to the Admission Committee, the committee understands the extraordinary times with the pandemic, and your delayed start will not take away from the fair and holistic review of your application compared to the rest of the pool. Keep in mind that upon matriculation to McIntire (i.e., August of your third year), you must have a minimum of 54 credits and all prerequisites completed. Learn more about our prerequisites here, and engage with us to plan out your course selection.

I’m a second-year taking a leave of absence until spring 2021. Will I be able to apply, and how might this impact my admission?
Upon your readmission to your school of enrollment in late 2020, you will be able to access the application and apply by the deadline for entry to McIntire for fall 2021. It is your responsibility to know your school of enrollment’s readmission processes and timeline and McIntire’s application process and deadlines; subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates, as they are important. While this will provide one semester less of academic data to the Admission Committee, the committee understands these extraordinary times, and your leave of absence will not take away from the fair and holistic review of your application compared to the rest of the pool. Keep in mind that upon matriculation to McIntire (i.e., August of your third year), you must have a minimum of 54 credits and all prerequisites completed. Learn more about our prerequisites here, and engage with us to plan out your course selection.

During my leave of absence from UVA, I plan to take coursework through an institution near my home.  How might this impact my admission?
We encourage students to take the prerequisite courses at UVA, since the Admission Committee is familiar with the course content and know they will prepare you for the McIntire curriculum. If you do take coursework at another institution, use the transfer credit analyzer to see how that course may transfer. The Admission Committee understands these extraordinary times and will fairly and holistically review your application compared to the rest of students the pool.

Can I reduce my course load in fall 2020 and take a class in January term or summer session?
While we encourage you to take full course loads (14-16 credits) during the academic year in order to prepare for the academic demands of the McIntire curriculum, the Admission Committee understands that the pandemic has brought on much uncertainty. There are many considerations when making the decision, including how you plan to sequence the prerequisite courses, course availability during January term and summer session, and your ability to succeed in courses during such a condensed amount of time.

How would taking classes online in fall 2020 away from Charlottesville affect my application?
You are enrolling in the same courses that other students are taking in person or online in Charlottesville, and you should approach those courses with the same focus and dedication you would as if you were taking them in person to achieve your best possible GPA for the semester. Grades are not the sole admission consideration, and your engagement matters as well. Many student organizations are still planning to hold meetings and do great work to develop their members and the community. Make sure you engage as much as possible, and find ways to stay connected to UVA and Grounds. The Admission Committee understands these extraordinary times and will fairly and holistically review your application compared to the rest of students the pool–many of whom are in your shoes.

I am not on Grounds this fall, but am taking classes remotely. How can I stay engaged with the Office of Undergraduate Admission?
Our office offers many ways to engage with us, including virtual advising with McIntire Ambassadors, information sessions, virtual tours, and one-on-one meetings with an admissions team member. Our newsletter provides information from employers who want to get to know prospective Commerce students, and our Ambassadors are excited to write even more blog posts to give you insights into what McIntire is like.

I plan on visiting Rouss & Robertson Halls in person. Can I stop by the Office of Undergraduate Admission while I am there doing a self-tour?
With limited building capacity, safety is a priority. To ensure the health of our students, staff, and faculty, we ask that visitors refrain from visiting Rouss & Robertson Halls during fall 2020. You can get an in-depth understanding of McIntire through our website and blog, and connect with our office with any additional questions. In addition, take time to review several resources that we would provide you during your visit to our office, including Business Education Opportunities, Business-Related Student Organizations, and our Advising Handout.

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