Ethan Johnson (McIntire '25)
Why Promotions?
I chose to be part of Promotions because of the creativity it will allow me to have, the opportunity to compete against (and beat) other schools, and the people I will be working with. I have played sports my whole life and love being on a team, so I am very excited to bring that side of my love for sports to my education.
Relevant work experience?
I worked in the Public Finance department at Davenport this past summer. This allowed me to learn more about how to work in a team in a corporate environment and how a company pitches itself to its clients.
Relevant skill set?
– Canva
– Miro
– Microsoft Office products
– Leadership experience
– Consistent communication
– Strategic planning
Extracurricular activities?
– Men’s Club Soccer
– Marketing Co-Chair, Fourth-Year Trustees
Course recommendations?
– Any Astronomy class
– Strategic Leadership with Jeffrey Lovelace
If I could live as someone else for the day, it would be ________.
Lorenzo Pellegrini
Fun fact:
I have been to Kazakhstan for a sports leadership summit.
- Undergraduate Degree Commerce (Marketing, Information Technology, Strategic Brand Consulting & Communications Track, Business Analytics Track); Minors: Leadership, Astronomy
- Hometown Richmond, VA