Domenick Fini (A&S '25)
Why Promotions?
I love the collaborative experience, especially for creatives in the field. This style of learning is how I operate best, and I can’t wait for all the lessons ahead!
Relevant work experience?
– Intern, NBC News Photo and Art
– Creative Direction intern, Plus972
– Freelance Photographer (@finiphotos)
Relevant skill set?
– Graphic design
– Photography
– Photoshop
– Lightroom Classic
– Illustrator
– Premiere Pro
– After Effects
Extracurricular activities?
– Editor-in-Chief, V Mag at UVA
– President, Arts Students Society
Career aspiration?
Art director in digital journalism or advertising
Course recommendations?
– LGBTQ Issues in the Media
– Intro to Cinematography
If I could live as someone else for the day, it would be ________.
Charli XCX. She seems chaotic and spontaneous; I’m sure it’d be entertaining.
Fun fact:
I’ve met Bertram from “Jessie”!
- Undergraduate Degree Studio Art and Media Studies
- Hometown Chesapeake, VA