Soon-to-be McIntire graduates Emily Coppa (McIntire ‘20) and Marwan Elbattouty (McIntire ‘20) were recently named to business education website Poets&Quants’ 2020 Best & Brightest list.
The profiles detail the Comm School students’ leadership roles, extracurricular and community activities, as well as their favorite aspects of business school, and advice for other students interested in business-related fields.
Focusing on the surprises and offering advice about an education in business and beyond, Coppa and Elbattouty discussed their favorite courses and professors, as well as their hobbies and bucket list items. While the interview subjects looked back at their accomplishments, they also reflected on the important relationships they forged on Grounds over the last four years, with special attention to their final two at McIntire.
Both of the Q&A articles also feature a quote from McIntire faculty members about what made them exceptional students, mentors, and representatives of their classmates. Professor Robert Gregory spoke about Coppa’s leadership and community impact, while Professor Gary Ballinger noted Elbattouty’s academic work and contributions.
The McIntire standouts are driven to complete their final McIntire semester with a strong showing as they prepare to start their exciting careers. Returning to the location of her summer 2019 internship, Coppa has accepted a position as an Audit Associate for KPMG in her native New Jersey. Elbattouty will also return to the location of his summer internship, heading to Goldman Sachs in New York to take on the role of Principal Funding & Investments Analyst in the firm’s Securities Division.