Undergraduate Blog
Student Life

My Journey to McIntire

McIntire Ambassador Kalkidan Woubishet dispels the myths surrounding the B.S. in Commerce application review process and encourages students to apply.

“You need a 3.7 to get into McIntire.”

“You need to have strong coding skills.”

“Sadie needs to know your name or else you won’t get in.”

“You have to get accepted into a McIntire-affiliated organization.”

These are all the things I remember thinking as a prospective Commerce student getting ready to apply to McIntire. Two years later, as a McIntire Ambassador, these are the things I hear students talking about in my one-on-one advising sessions. So, I hope after reading about my journey to McIntire, you will feel a little more at ease knowing all of these statements are completely false.

The fall semester of my second year, as I was preparing to apply to McIntire, I overloaded (taking more than two) on quantitative classes that I thought would “look good” to the admissions committee. Looking around in my prerequisite classes, it looked like everyone was thriving and pushing themselves quantitatively, so it seemed like the right decision at the time. However, this decision negatively impacted my semester in many ways. To top it all off, I didn’t get accepted into any McIntire-affiliated organizations. So, in my head, I was a walking McIntire rejection. Fortunately, I had an amazing support system that reminded me that I am more than one grade or one GPA. This reminder gave me the motivation I needed to create an application that highlighted my unique upbringing and perspective.

So, now as finals are approaching and morale is declining, I want to remind you that you are more than one grade or one entry on your application. You are an individual with a unique journey that led you here, and within that journey, there are highs and lows. Embrace both the highs and lows, because they are molding you into an individual who can contribute something new to the McIntire community.

As finals approach and your stress increases, just remember the admissions committee doesn’t expect perfection. They don’t expect you to have the perfect GPA, to have the perfect coding skills, or to be the perfect leader in every McIntire organization. They expect you to try your best and highlight what you bring to the McIntire community. When you notice yourself falling into the trap of comparison, remember comparison is the thief of joy. So, only compare yourself with who you were yesterday to elevate and advance forward in your growth.

Last, remember that a girl who is the complete opposite of every admissions rumor is not only in McIntire, but also an ambassador. So, find hope and comfort in that. Please reach out to McIntire Ambassadors if you have any questions or want to learn more. We are here for you!

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