Dean Brooks
Dean Brooks
Hometown: Stone Mountain, GA
B.B.A. in Accounting 2020, Clayton State University
M.S. in Accounting, Financial Reporting and Assurance Track 2021, University of Virginia
What clubs and organizations were you involved with in college?
President of the Accounting Club and Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honor Society, Honor’s Student Association, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), National Association of Black Accountants, CSU Community Service Team, Laker Orientation Leaders
What appealed to you about UVA’s M.S. in Accounting Program?
Although UVA was the largest school I was considering, the M.S. in Accounting Program was the smallest, at around 60 people. I soon realized this had to be intentional, and after touring McIntire through the Meet McIntire program, I figured out why. This School’s community is simply unmatched!
From the incredibly bright students, to the faculty and staff who are true experts in their respective fields, everything at McIntire screams that this is a truly inclusive community where everyone’s input is valued and respected. Besides the academic factor, I had so much fun in Charlottesville. There is an abundance of activities, food, and sights to see in a perfect college town that’s filled with history. Everything came together to make me realize this would be a very well-rounded yearlong experience in an area where I would meet some incredible people and build awesome memories!
What are you looking forward to the most this year?
I am looking forward to making lifelong friends and really build my network! As they say, “Your network is your net worth,” and I am confident that in 10-15 years the people in this program will go on to be the future of accounting as the partners, VPs, and MDs of the largest accounting firms and companies in the U.S. and abroad.
If you could go on a cross-country road trip with a famous person, living or dead, who would it be and why?
This is a tough one; it would have to be a toss-up between my man Barack Obama and someone who is really changing the human experience like Elon Musk or Bill Gates. I would love to pick their brains about their life experiences and see what I could take away and apply to my own life.
Name three places on your bucket list to travel to and why.
- Back to Hawaii! I’ve been to Oahu and Kauai but really want to visit Maui and Lanai because it really is like another country. I love the beach, mountains, and the way of living on the islands of Hawaii.
- Alaska! As mentioned previously, I love the mountains, and I am a huge nature and outdoors guy. There is something about Alaska that is just raw, primal, and untouched by man.
- New Zealand. For a lot of the same reasons, New Zealand seems like a really naturally beautiful place and somewhere I would love to experience.

Lydia Elsey
Lydia Elsey
Hometown: Greenville, SC
B.B.A. in Accounting 2020, Mercer University
M.S. in Accounting, Tax Consulting Track 2021, University of Virginia
What clubs and organizations were you involved with in college?
Orientation Staff, Undergraduate Admissions, Phi Mu, Mercer on Mission
What appealed to you about UVA’s M.S. in Accounting Program?
I loved how UVA’s program wasn’t merely a yearlong CPA prep course. We are not only covering important accounting skills, but also learning how to be successful as an accounting professional after we graduate.
What are you looking forward to the most this year?
I am looking forward to not only improve my accounting and professional skills, but also gaining a new community within the program.
What are your hobbies?
While I have been working on gaining some new hobbies over quarantine, my favorite hobby is still to cook. I love trying new cuisines or learning a new take on a classic recipe. Cooking is my favorite way to relax after a busy day or week.
Name three places on your bucket list to travel to and why.
My top three places to visit are Argentina, New Zealand, and Sri Lanka. I love to travel, and these three countries have been on the top of my list because of how absolutely beautiful they seem. I am looking forward to being able to explore more places soon!

Brady Hamel
Brady Hamel
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
B.B.A. in Accounting 2020, Southern Methodist University
M.S. in Accounting, Financial Reporting and Assurance Track 2021, University of Virginia
What clubs and organizations were you involved with in college?
Reformed University Fellowship, BBA Energy Club
What appealed to you about UVA’s M.S. in Accounting Program?
I was drawn to the fact that there are 35+ different undergraduate institutions represented in the class. Having classmates from so many different schools allows you to make friends from all over the country and expand your network. Also, the wide range of courses I am able to take was a draw. UVA’s program focuses on developing you as a well-rounded business professional instead of exclusively prepping you for the CPA, which is why I am able to take a class like Financial Trading this semester.
What are you looking forward to the most this year?
I’m looking forward to building relationships with all of my classmates throughout this year. We have an extremely geographically diverse class, so I am very excited to learn about everybody’s backgrounds while forging strong friendships.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you bring and why?
- A soccer ball so that I could juggle and keep myself entertained
- A Bojangles four-piece chicken supreme combo (because Bojangles is the best and I want one last great meal)
- A microphone so that I could practice karaoke in case I ever get saved
What are you currently reading?
The Prodigal God by Tim Keller
If you could go on a cross-country road trip with a famous person, living or dead, who would it be and why?
Peyton Manning, because I could listen to him talk football all day, every day
Name three places on your bucket list to travel to and why.
- Singapore, because I really want to go after watching the movie “Crazy Rich Asians”
- New Zealand, because one of my roommates at UVA is from there and has great things to say
- Pasadena, CA, because I want to see a game at the Rose Bowl