Forensic Services: A Specialty Practice Area in Accounting

March 23, 2017

Faculty Lead: Jane Thayer and Eric Negangard

The Center for Innovation in Professional Services presented a discussion of the specialty practice area of forensic accounting. Leaders from PwC Forensic Services discussed their practice, which engages with clients in investigating allegations of fraud or corruption, assisting in the resolution of disputes, tackling regulatory questions, and responding to cybersecurity threats. In addition, the practice serves clients by helping them develop strategies to avoid fraud and corruption problems altogether. PwC Forensic Services has over 2,000 specialists, including accountants, economists, engineers, technology specialists, former regulators, and intelligence officials.

April Jung, Senior Associate, PwC Forensic Services Practice
Koutayba Yamak, Director, PwC Forensic Services Practice
Amy Zhou, Senior Associate, PwC Forensic Services Practice