Murray Littlepage
Business Essentials, Summer 2021
How did you first learn about Business Essentials, and what prompted you to enroll in the program?
I had been considering pursuing a second master’s degree. While researching possible programs, I saw that a few schools offered graduate certificate programs. In my research, I came across the Business Essentials program. I had a friend who worked at the University of Virginia, so I reached out to him to ask what he knew about the program. He was able to give me some good information about the program and sold me on enrolling.
Which business concept(s) were you most eager to learn about?
I was most excited about the Management concept. When I enrolled in the program, I had just accepted my position at Temple University. In this role, I have direct reports, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to learn more about the role of a manager and organizational structure.
Which business concept(s) challenged you the most?
Accounting was the most challenging concept for me. I had not taken an Accounting class since I was an undergraduate student, so it took a little bit of time for some of the material to come back to me.
What is the most practical concept(s) or take away you learned from the program? How have you applied this in your current role?
The most practical concept for me was Marketing. With my current and past experiences working in sports marketing, I was able to use real-life examples to relate to the content being taught. I also felt that it was a great refresher on certain marketing elements that I maybe do not use as frequently.
As a full-time working professional, how conducive was the program structure and format to your day-to-day schedule?
The program structure and format were very conducive to my day-to-day schedule. I was able to set aside the appropriate amount of time each week to complete assignments.
Did you find the time commitment and assignments to be manageable?
I did find the time commitment and the assignments manageable. I made sure to look at my work schedule so that I could plan accordingly.
Do you have any advice for prospective students considering the program?
Take good notes. It is a lot of information that is being taught, so I thought it was very beneficial to take thorough notes that I could go back to when having Zoom discussions or completing writing assignments.
- Undergraduate Degree Sport Administration
- Undergraduate Institution Radford University
- Current Job Temple University, Assistant Athletic Director for Marketing & Fan Engagement