As both our University and Charlottesville communities recognize the passing of another August 11 and 12, we pause to remember the injustices that occurred and to honor those who stood up against them. The start of a new academic year is always a time for reflection and recommitment to who we are and what we believe. What makes higher education institutions unique spaces in society is that we are unafraid to have hard conversations, to reflect on our differences, and to acknowledge our imperfections. This allows us to see the humanity in one another and facilitate the finding of common ground. The McIntire community is ready to engage in those conversations with the broader community—particularly through the lenses of commerce and leadership—with the aim of helping our students emerge with a meaningful understanding of how they can use commerce to better society. No matter how small or grand the word or deed, together we can work toward a future that is both good and great. Learn more about events remembering August 11 and 12.