Dear Commerce Community,
In academia, the beginning of the fall semester is like our New Year’s. We find ourselves resolving to do things differently and, hopefully, better this time around. It is obvious to me that our staff and faculty are already putting forth their personal best to serve our students. The good work of the last semester continues to serve as an inspiration for all that we will accomplish together in the upcoming year. As we celebrate and build upon our successes, we remain appreciative of the flexibility and willingness of our community to adapt and connect with the School in new ways.
The network of the McIntire School is both broad and deep. Over the last few months, I have enjoyed getting to know our committed students, parents, alumni, corporate partners, and friends who will be instrumental in helping us to usher in the next chapter in the Commerce School. Whether it was through phone calls, student group sessions, virtual office hours with staff and faculty, or town hall Zoom meetings, it has been gratifying to learn from all of these different perspectives and get a sense of our shared opportunities. The rich exchange of ideas across this community is both inspiring and far-reaching, and I am honored to be a part of it.
If you would like to get to know me a bit better, I invite you to visit my blog. Finally, I want you to know that we could not do what we do without you. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the School. It is my sincere hope that you will be well and joyful throughout the year, and I look forward to meeting in person in the near future.
Best wishes,
Nicole Thorne Jenkins
John A. Griffin Dean
This message was distributed to alumni, parents, and friends via email on September 10, 2020.